Andrew Putnam Hill, Jr. Papers
Pierre Pellier in chair
Old Pellier House, built by Pierre Pellier
Evergreen foothills above San Jose
Unpacking grape vines obtained in France
Evergreen Ranch above San Jose
Evergreen Ranch, home of Thomas and Henriette Casalegno
Evergreen Ranch, home of Thomas and Henriette Casalegno, above San Jose
Back of Prudhomme Winery
Portrait of Peter, Jack and Hermain Mirassou
Celestine and Annette Casalegno
Marie Helene Pellier and Philippe Prudhomme
Josephine Pellier as a young girl
Josephine Pellier upon her marriage to Michael Casalegno
San Jose Institute and Commercial College
Two of the Mirassou brothers hauling wine from Evergreen to San Jose
Farm and ranch at Aborn Road in 1911
New Enos Bechis home in San Martin
Portrait of Peter Mirassou
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