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Arana Family
1921 City Directory
Alonzo R. (Ramon) Arana (wife Adeline)
sec. foreman San Vicente Lumber Co.
home; 53 bethany Circle, Santa Cruz, Calif.
son Alonzo R. Arana, Jr., and wife Lucile at same address
St. James Hotel
55-61 Pacific Ave., Santa Cruz
Arana Gulch is a creek and landform that forms part of the southeastern boundary of the city of Santa Cruz, California. The creek begins in the Santa Cruz Mountains and flows southwest into Monterey Bay into what was once called Woods Lagoon, now the Santa Cruz Small Craft Harbor.
Hiking trail in the Arana Gulch area.
Arana Gulch is named after Jose Arana, who came to Alta California in 1834 with the Hijar-Padres colonization group. Arana was the grantee of the Rancho Potrero Y Rincon de San Pedro Ragalado (now th Potrero and harvey West neighborhoods of northern Santa Cruz) in the year 1842. Sometime after that date, Arana moved to the area that now bears his name. Prior to California statehood, Arana Creek was the dividing line between lands assigned to the Villa Branciforte (to the west) and those of Rancho Arroyo del Rodeo.
Arana Gulch open space parcel is mostly the former Hagemann farm, also called Live Oak Ranch. Frederick Hagemann was an early immigrant to this area from Germany. The Hagemann house (older section dates from 1869s, later addition from 1885) still stands on a remainder parcel adjacent to the open space.